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Microfilm & Microfiche Conversion Services

Your Trusted Partner in Microfilm & Microfiche Scanning

CASO Document Management understands the challenges you face managing outdated microfilm and microfiche collections. These analog formats, once a space-saving solution, are now cumbersome and limit accessibility to valuable information.

Why Digitize with CASO?

We are experts in microfilm and microfiche scanning, offering a comprehensive solution to transform your legacy data into a user-friendly digital format. Here’s how CASO’s expertise benefits you:

Enhanced Accessibility: Replace bulky microfilm readers with searchable digital files. Grant secure remote access to information, allowing for improved collaboration and faster retrieval.
Reduced Storage Costs: Microfilm requires dedicated storage with specific temperature and humidity controls. Digitization frees up valuable physical space and eliminates ongoing storage expenses.
Safeguarded Information: Digital copies provide a secure backup for your data. CASO implements robust security measures to protect your information from loss or disaster.
Improved Workflow Efficiency: Easily search and share digital documents, streamlining workflows and boosting overall productivity within your organization.

CASO’s Microfilm & Microfiche Scanning Services:

High-Quality Scanning: We utilize advanced scanners specifically designed for microfilm and microfiche, ensuring exceptional image clarity and detail.
Expert Processing: Our experienced technicians handle your microfilm and microfiche with care, ensuring a smooth and efficient scanning process.
Customized Indexing: CASO tailors indexing to your specific needs, making your digital files easily searchable and retrievable.
Secure Storage and Retrieval: We offer secure cloud storage options for your digitized documents, allowing for convenient access from any authorized device.

CASO is Your One-Stop Shop for Microfilm & Microfiche Solutions

We understand that every project has unique requirements. CASO works closely with you to develop a customized scanning plan that meets your budget and timeline.

Ready to unlock the potential of your microfilm and microfiche collection?

Contact CASO Document Management today for a free consultation. We’ll help you transform your legacy data into a valuable digital asset that empowers your organization.

Document Scanning Process Diagram

“The CDM team has been exceptional. They completed the work faster and cheaper than we could have, and have always accommodated our needs. It is a pleasure working with them.”

Richard Ajimati – SUNY Downstate Medical Center

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